What is 40 over 40

The 40 over 40 project was started by Jenn Fontaine of Fontaine photography. This project has many purposes – community connections, networking, fundraising, marketing, and empowering women over 40. Each participant undergoes a photo shoot and then reflects on their life by answering one of three questions – 1. What personal achievement are you most proud of, 2. What was your biggest struggle and how did you overcome it, or 3. What piece of advice would you give your younger self. 40 over 40 also raises money each year for a charity and this year SHARE Family and Community Services was selected. Participants photos and reflections are collected and published into a book. Once the book is complete, everyone who has participated will come together to connect, network, and give the money raised to SHARE Family and Community Services.

Forest Bathing Blog Post | BOOM Healing

Why am I participating in 40 over 40

In July I booked to have headshots done for my website.  I booked with Fontaine photography because Jenn came highly recommended on my local community Facebook discussions. While at the photo shoot I learned about the 40 over 40 project and inside I felt a deep intuitive YES!, you should do this. When I feel something so clear, I just go with it and do not ask many questions.  That day I signed up and well, here I am completing my reflection piece and submitting my photo.

Reflection Piece

I spent a lot of time brainstorming on each question and reflecting on what I wanted to share and what I thought would speak to readers.  I wanted to write on something whereby I felt comfortable being my true authentic self.  So what follows comes from my heart and I hope that it speaks to yours.  I decided to write on a personal achievement I am most proud of – here is my submission.

Amanda | BOOM Healing

Personal Achievement

My business BOOM Healing is my proudest personal achievement. This is because BOOM Healing is so much more than a business to me, it is the culmination of my life values, beliefs, goals, and passions. Due to this, it has many parts. 

Most importantly, BOOM Healing is a collective of healers that have the skill, education, experience, and intuition to make a difference in people’s lives. BOOM Healing is also a venue for my writing – I write a blog that includes a blend of personal stories and reflections on healing. A key part of this blog is my son’s and my story which is off the beaten path and includes neurodiversity, the nervous system, healing, attunement, respect, and joy. Another passion of mine that I brought into BOOM Healing is retail; recently I started a line of BOOM Healing hoodies. I also use BOOM Healing to connect with my community and give back. Through BOOM Healing I am part of a larger group of local healers and together we are planning a community wellness fair.

Yes, BOOM Healing is my proudest personal achievement – it is at BOOM Healing that I am fully expressed, true to myself, and help others.

Submition Complete

So today I filled out the paperwork and submitted my write up and photo. It is my first venture in to anything like this and I am looking forward to the experience of putting myself out there and meeting others doing the same.  BOOM Healing is indeed my biggest life achievement and I am so proud of what I have created.

BOOM Healing

BOOM Healing is located in Anmore, next to Buntzen Lake. We offer Osteopathy, Neurofeedback, and Counselling services. BOOM typically serves the neighbouring communities of Port Moody, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Belcarra – alough we have had clients travel from far and wide. Please click on our contact page to learn more or set up an appointment.