BOOM & Amanda
My name is Amanda and I am the founder of BOOM Healing in Anmore and the Blog author. My passion for BOOM Healing is to bring a group of healers together who are highly credentialed and intuitive therapists who believe in the power of nature as a healing partner. I started this Blog because I have always wanted to write and having this venue supports and facilitates this dream for me.
A bit about my credentials and me as it relates to this blog
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor through the BCACC. I have two Masters of Arts degrees – Criminology (SFU) and Counselling Psychology (Yorkville). I am well studied and read and my deep passions are neurodiversity, the nervous system, and healing. I am neurodivergent – formally diagnosed as severely learning disabled in the 80ies. I am also highly sensitive. My son is neurodivergent and has the labels of Autistic, ADHD, and PDA. While I am not a fan of labels, I think they are important to share in this context so that my readers can assess fit. I am also an adoptive mom and as such adoption wounds are another thing my family navigates. I do not mention our labels much in my posts because we are not our labels; we are amazing neurodivergent people living our lives and that is what I write about.
So why tell our story
I have debated this one a lot within myself. Should I, or should I not, talk about me and my son? He is too young to understand the repercussions of having me share our day to day online. Yes, it will document things forever. Yes, he cannot formally consent. All of these are reasons enough to keep silent, to hide, to protect. But we are a family of healers and helpers and this cannot be done from a place of silence. We are also advocates of neurodivergence and this also cannot be done from silence. So with great care and love, I have chosen to write about our day to day happenings and my parenting. I do this with the utmost respect for my son’s privacy and will be selective in what I share. And of course, I will keep sacred those special details that are for our family alone. But enough will go into these pages that may make a difference in the life of another kiddo similar to mine. To me, if this writing helps another kid, another family, then it is worth sharing. If we can help one other family move from shock and denial to acceptance and joy, this will all be worth it.
I am Not Divisive – We are all One
I want to be clear that I am not divisive. I strongly dislike anything that separates people. I truly believe that we are all one and we all have great value in this world – together we are whole. So while I do use the language of neurodivergence, I do not see those labeled as neurodivergent as separate from others. We are all part of the same bell curve – it’s just that we all hold different gifts, talents, and struggle. We all matter. We are all part of the world’s solutions and all part of the world’s problems. So why do I use the language of neurodivergent – it is because the world generally is not well designed for those of us that deviate more deeply from the midline. Due to this divergence from the middle, we struggle in ways to fit and function that others who land closer to the midline may not.
Blog Posts
In my blogs, you will see a smattering of different posts. Some posts will be there to support BOOM Healing clients to learn more about what BOOM offers and what to expect – for example, the Forest Bathing and Neurofeedback Blogs. Other posts will be about my parenting adventure with my kiddo – it is important to note that my son is 7 (2024) and as such my writing and ramblings may not fit as well for kiddos over 10 years of age. I am writing about my parenting because I break many conventional rules and parent in an attuned and intuitive way. I have let go of most traditional ways and rules of parenting and have embarked on trusting me and my kiddo’s inherent wisdom. Some of my influences include nervous system health and healing and low demand parenting. So if you find yourself parenting in uncharted territory like our family, some ideas found in my blogs may be really helpful.
In Conclusion
This blog is written from my heart to yours about things that matter to me and that I have reflected on deeply. Contained within these pages may be some answers to finding deep healing, acceptance, joy, and love in your life. Written within these blogs are ideas on raising children with deep respect and love for who they are and all their glorious differences and needs. These pages are worth reading. They are the culmination of all the life I have lived, all my learnings over the years, and all the thinking and reflecting I have done. And to be really clear, none of this writing is advice, it is simply for you to consider alongside your own experiences, thinking, reflecting, learnings, and wisdom.
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