Happy 2nd Anniversary BOOM Healing
Today we celebrate BOOM Healing. BOOM is so much more than a business for me – it is the culmination of my life dreams, goals, and purpose. The key focus at BOOM is helping others heal in and among nature. This blog post shares BOOM Healing’s origin story.
Guts, Stamina, and Faith
The biggest dream of my husband and mine has always been about where and how we live. We hold a strong family goal of living and working in close proximity and we also want forest trails at our door step. We had spent years searching for our dream property and we specifically wanted a place where I could run a clinic. Our vision for the clinic was forest-based, private, professional, and accessible for clients. In early Spring 2021 an Anmore property came on the market that grabbed our attention. The day the listing went up online we felt it right away – this was the one. We called our realtor, secured first viewing, and purchased this magical place – BOOM!
The process was much more challenging than the picture I paint here however. Nana from the movie Sing 2 expresses this well; she says: “anyone who dares set out to follow their dreams is bound to face a lot…you must fight for what you believe in – guts, stamina, faith….” Without sharing our nitty gritty, suffice to say we fought hard for years to bring our dreams to fruition and build BOOM Healing. It absolutely took guts, stamina, and faith.
Main Floor
This property came with the perfect set up for a forest-based healing clinic. Immediately upon driving onto the property there is a carriage house. It is an independent and private building, about 200ft from the main residence, a perfect space for a professional clinic. But it was a garage and needed imagination and renovation to make it a healing place. The picture below shows that the original main floor of the carriage house was one large open space containing two garage bays with a simple 2-piece washroom tucked under the stairs. What was incredible was that this garage had 2 huge windows with nature views and 10ft ceilings – its ‘bones’ were big, bright, and structurally attractive. In this space, we constructed a large lobby and a main floor therapy office. The lobby was built with the vision of being both a cozy waiting room and a group gathering space – hence its large size. We centered the room on a large fire place and created the tea cabinet for clients to enjoy while they wait. It is a lovely and serine space and clients have given us feedback on how grounded and safe it makes them feel.
*Picture is of the original main floor – it now has a large lobby and a therapy office.

Upper Floor
The original upper floor of the carriage house was a large single room that contained 7 generous windows. The upstairs, like the downstairs, had great bones and was originally designed for both beauty and function. From the upstairs windows, you can see valley and mountain views and evening sunsets. Our vision for this space was two spacious and comfortable therapy rooms and that is what we built. One of the unique aspects of BOOM Healing is our choice to run it unlike most other clinical practices. We keep the number of therapists and clients using the space at any given time low to ensure serenity and ease on the senses. The picture below shows the upstairs just prior to the walls going up. The wood floors in the stairwell and on the upper floor of BOOM Healing are original to the building.
*Picture is the upper floor in the beginning stages of renovation – it now has two large therapy offices with built in fireplaces.

What Makes the BOOM Building Special
BOOM is a beautiful place. A summery of it’s key features include:
• Fabulous views
• Bright natural light
• Tall ceilings
• Being surrounded by forest and nature
• Fire places in every room
• Self-service tea cabinet
• Large and cozy lobby
• Being a sensory sensitive space
• Private and professional building
• Free and easy parking
*Picture is of the renovated main floor waiting area.

The BOOM Name
If you are curious about the BOOM name, our name story can be found on the BOOM Healing website on the About BOOM page. The name BOOM was selected with great thought and intention. There are so many BOOMs in our lives – big, loud, small, quiet – they take many forms.
We look forward to seeing you at BOOM Healing – please reach out via the Contact Page on our website or book directly online with one of our therapists (links to direct online bookings are on the About Services pages).
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